Workers Compensation Insurers

This section stores a list of valid insurers that cover workers compensation. These insurers can be applied to each workplace in this company.

Opening the Workers Compensation Insurers File:

  1. From the navigator select Company | Maintain Company.
  2. In the Company Maintenance window select Workers Compensation Insurers from the tree on the left.
    Any existing insurers are displayed on the right.

Adding a New Workers Compensation Insurer:

  1. Once the insurer's file is open, select the Workers Compensation Insurers node on the left.
  2. Click on the Add New button on the right.
  3. Complete the following details for the insurer:
  4. Description: Enter the name of the workers compensation insurer.

    Employer ID: Enter your employer ID as advised by your insurer.

Edit a Workers Compensation Insurer:

  1. Once the insurer's file is open, select the Workers Compensation Insurers node on the left.
  2. Select the required insurer on the right, then click Edit.
  3. Edit the details for the insurer.

Linking a Workers Compensation Insurer with a Workplace:

By linking an insurer with a workplace, the name of the insurer will display on workplace liability reports (System Reports | Historical | Taxation).

  1. Edit the workplace file.
  2. In the account details area, select the relevant insurer from the drop down list.
  3. Click Apply.